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Run Serie Streaming

February 3, 2021
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One of our buddies (this was before the MCU got big) had built a nice-guy version of the Winter Soldier. His introduction to the campaign was a car chase. By which I mean that my min-maxing buddy ran down a car, ripped off the door, and was an all-around cyborg badass. The next character I heard about was just as fun. A friend of hers had built what sounded like the Dorian Grey meets Zoro; because what's not to love about a pseudo immortal might-be-a-vampire figure in black running around the modern era with a rapier? There was even a guy playing a cyborg that ran on water. Water! And he had tracked down science and psuedo science to back his character concept up! At some point during all of this, I had started considering a character concept. A "What if I did join? " idea. You know, just in case. It just sort of sits there in the back of my mind… festering in that dark space between lectures and busywork. I start asking myself the usual concept questions. It starts with simple things.

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Là on stagne dans le fait divers d'une époque cynique qui fait des héros avec des escrocs. Le Nul. Voir les commentaires

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